Game marketing gifs

Among the social marketing images for NeocoreGames every now and then I need to work on a few fun gifs to promote sales and other events.
The lovely animations of the creatures and or ingame movies were created by the developers, but the concept of the gif’s timing and composition, creating them in photoshop is my work in each.
The fun/challenge of the task here is to pick a visually appealing, but short animation that will load relatively fast and catch interest, set mood. These are usually shared on social networks.

Neocore’s new title is King Arthur’s Knight’s Tale. I can barely take credit for this work, as I basically cut parts of the stunning trailer the dev team made for the game’s Intro.
Still, these scenes are pretty cool, and I enjoy working with this amazing team. So here are the gifs shared and a link to the full trailer!

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